Leonid  the​ Magnific​ent

The Official Website

  Off-Broadway show "Simply Magnificent" starring Lucio Fernandez and Leonid the Magnificent, show ballet Royal ( Leo-Leopatra)

  Leonid the Magnificent and circus show ballet Royal (Leo-Leopatra)  in concert

  Leonid the Magnificent and show ballet Royal in his solo concert Vegas Vegas Vegas

   Leonid the Magnificent and show ballet Royal in solo concert Vagas Vegas Vegas , NYC USA

Special guests artists from Las Vegas, Nevada

Show "ROYAL" fashion week NYC


Directed by Taras Kardashov


contact us 

New line and twist of entertainment 

We are provide entertainment for Event Planner for various corporate, celebrity and private events throughout the Europe and United States. We have an entire cast of experienced performers, such as jugglers, clowns, dancers, stilt walkers, hula hoop, burlesque performers, etc. We can create any atmosphere or customize any show to meet the needs of you and your clients. We are prefer to work with agents/event planners so that we may focus on what we do the best, and that is provide outstanding entertainment to our clients. Our relationships with our agents are very important and most profitable in that we provide you with our customize proposals that you, as our agent, can send to your clients, with your price markup, and we take care of the logistic (show up and perform).Your work consists of getting the clients, while we take care of the rest for you  (we put the show together, contact the performers, etc.)

Show "ROYAL"

  Leonid the Magnificent and circus show ballet Royal (Leo-Leopatra)  in concert

   Leonid the Magnificent ( Leonid Filatov) and Dance duet OT ( Olga Vasilieva &Talipova and Taras Kardashov,  Moscow Russia

Avraam Russo ans show "ROYAL" ( LEO_LEOPATRA)

live in concert, USA